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There are various types of control valves, and their applications are different
2017/10/19 102

There are various types of control valves, and their applications are different. Therefore, the type of control valves should be selected reasonably according to the requirements of the process production process.

The pneumatic control valve is divided into two types, which are divided into gas and gas. The air opening control valve is closed in the condition of failure, and the valve is opened when the valve is in the state of failure. Some auxiliary equipment can be used to form a retaining valve or to lock the control valve, that is, the opening of the valve before the failure of the control valve is maintained.

Open gas off gas by way of positive and negative type actuator, and traditional combination of anti body valve, valve positioner in use, can also be achieved through the valve positioner

Various control valves have different structure, and each has its own characteristics.

There are various types of control valves, and their applications are different. Therefore, the type of control valves should be selected reasonably according to the requirements of the process production process.

The pneumatic control valve is divided into two types, which are divided into gas and gas. The air opening control valve is closed in the condition of failure, and the valve is opened when the valve is in the state of failure. Some auxiliary equipment can be used to form a retaining valve or to lock the control valve, that is, the opening of the valve before the failure of the control valve is maintained.

Open gas off gas by way of positive and negative type actuator, and traditional combination of anti body valve, valve positioner in use, can also be achieved through the valve positioner

Various control valves have different structure, and each has its own characteristics.


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